Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Clarence rack jeans
I was poking around the BX today. I desperately needed new pants. When I say desperately, I mean DESPERATELY!!!!!! All the ones I had were either sweat pants or huge on me!!!!! A gal gets tired of wearing sweats all the stinking time. I was poking around with a friend of mine. She picked out the most perfectest pair of jeans. I was super excited until I saw the size. They were a size 16. Those wouldn't ever fit me yet! She pushed me to "just try them on". I did. THEY FIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy non-sweat pants, Batman!!!!! I was astounded!!! I did the happy dance right there in the dressing room in the middle of the BX! People looked at me like I was a crazy person, but I didnt care!!! I am in a size 16 jeans!!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I got to add my sparkly bead!!!!!
I got to add my sparkly bead to my bracelet. Which means..... I HAVE LOST 100 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 pounds, can you believe it? I can't! I am still in awe that this is me! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
More NSVs!!!
Hello kiddies!!!
I want to remember all my non scale victories!!! Here are some of the latesest...
* not being the fat friend anymore!
* shopping in the non plus size department
* not dying when it gets above 50 degrees outside
* crossing my legs. I have NEVER done that before.
* having the energy to do things
* off all my meds, except vitamins.
* can do a 5K
These are just things I can think of off the top of my head!!!!!
Friday, July 20, 2012
My mom was right!!
When I get up in the morning, breakfast has become part of my routine. Before WLS, I rarely ate breakfast. I'd rather sleep, than eat breakfast. Then I woud gorge myself the rest of the day. My mom always told me that breaky was the most important meal of the day. She is right. Yes, it gives my metabolism a jump start, but more than that, it seems to jump start my day and me. When I take the time for breaky, I am telling the world that I am worth it. I AM WORTH IT!!! Yes, I am. Sometimes, I get a bit bored with the usual protein shake. Well, what's a gal to do when she gets bored?!?! Shake it up, of course. This morning, I didn't want a shake. I wanted something warm. And y'all know how much I love anything ooey and gooey. Here's what I had... I took some turkey, you know the kind you normally use for lunch and some pepper jack cheese. I rolled the cheese in the turkey, popped it on a griddle and warmed the rolls up. The cheese got all melty and the turkey got warm and tender. Voila!!! Breaky is served!!! Pure protein and a few minutes to myself. It is going to be a great day!!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
"One"derland here I come!!!!!
What is "one"derland? Well, let me tell you. It is when there is a 1 as the first number on the scale!!! I am almost there. I have almost lost 100 pounds so far. I have 5 pounds to go and 6 pounds for "one"derland!!!!
I am still feeling really great. I think I will from now on. I wake up every day and just marvel. I am enjoying a life I was meant to.
Be kind and get outside!!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Oooey, gooey yummy!!!
Tonight I had pizza. Not just any pizza, but oozing, cheesy goodness. I made polenta pizza!!! I used prepared polenta (you can get it at any supermarket, and it has a great shelf life), fresh mozzarella cheese and some fresh Parmesan cheese. First, I cut the polenta into half inch rounds. Then I lightly pan fried them in some good olive oil! Next, I prepared a cookie sheet with foil, makes for super easy clean up. I put the polenta rounds on the cookie sheet and topped them with the fresh cheeses. I put them under the broiler until the cheese was all melting and crispy!!! And there ya go... Polenta pizza. You can top them with whatever you like, I simply felt like cheese today!!
You may be wondering about the pan frying... I only used about a tablespoon of oil and I really like the texture it gives the polenta!!! It makes it all nice and crunchy.
I didn't think I would like polenta. I thought it would have a weird texture. It doesn't. I really do love polenta. It is a nice alternative to bread for me. I don't eat it very often, but it is a nice treat!!
Try it, you might find that you can add something new to your menu rotation!!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
New territory for me....
It is finally getting to be summer here. Whoop Whoop!!!! Summer = hot sticky mess. Is it that way for everyone else? No? Just me then. It is ok though. This summer isn't as bad as previous ones. I am not sweltering and dying. I am just moderately hot and not dying is a good thing! It doesn't take hours of cold to cool me off these days. In the past, I haven't ever really worn shorts. I figured I was never a shorts kinda gal. In truth, I never wanted to show off my legs. Who knew that all that would change!?!?!? Now, don't get me wrong, I'm still not super Keenan showing off my legs, but I am not totally embarrassed either. And it makes for keeping cool, too. Well, this evening, I didn't have any clean shorts. Hubbers did. So I stole a pair of his PT shorts, cut the liner deal and and tried them on. Oh holy fire balls, Batman!!!!!! They fit. I did a happy dance. He just lost his shorts, so to speak!!!!
Alright, y'all... I just had to share!!!! Be kind to each other and enjoy the summer!!!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Stay the course...
This hasn't been the easiest of weeks, let me tell you. I have been sicker this past week than I have in a really long time. I am sick to the point of being in bed for almost a week. A friend of mine came to visit the other day and she told me to "Stay the Course". I have grabbed on to that and held it close to me. Because I have been so sick, I haven't been exercising and I am starting to feel really down. Those words, "Stay the Course", have reminded me that I will get through this. I will be ok. I think I have grabbed onto those words because they remind me to keep my end goal in mind. Regardless of what happens, I can do it. So let me pass this on to you... STAY THE COURSE!!! You can do it, whatever it is, whatever your goals and dreams. You can do it.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Double take
Hey kids...
Guess what? I am 90 pounds down! Can I get a what what with a side of fries!?!?!?! Woohoo! GO ME! I am feeling better than I ever have in my life. That is saying something. I catch myself in a reflection and it startles me. I don't realize it is me. I find myself doing a double take. Yep. It is me.
I am so excited, I had to share.
Be kind to one another and get your groove on!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Catch up and a 5k
I got an IPad... I am learning how to tpe on this thing. It is interesting, for sure.
Let me catch you up... I did my first official 5k on Saturday. My friend Keri saw a flyer for it and said we needed to do it! I agreed. I was game. I walk on most days anyway, why not do it for a 5k!?!?!?!
On Saturday morning, Hubbers and I woke up and got ready. We started the walk to base, as we have no car. Walking works for us! We got mostly to the front gate and I realized I forgot my id. Oh no!?!?!?! I had to turn around and go home. I didn't give up though... I would have before, but, DANGIT, I wanted to do this... So, id in hand, I turned around and walked my happy behind back to base. Woooohoo, score one for Kelli Ann!
I got to the gym and met my gal pals, Keri and Crissy. We were ready. I got myself signed in and received my race pennant thingy and t-shirt. It was the tortoise and hare race. I wasn't a hare, for sure. It was windy, but sunny, for once.
We walked the race with some jogging bits! I finished the race in 47 minuets and I wasn't even the last person. Let me tell you, I ran, yes ran, across the finish line with my arms raised above my head. I did it. One down and many more to come...
I feel like I am on top of the world, even now, 3 days later! I am running/walking another 5k next week on the 4th of July.
My new life is amazing. I realize that I am so blessed that I can now do 5k races and not die in the process. I am making the most of this second chance.
BRING IT ON, LIFE!!! I'm ready for ya!!!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
A bit of a struggle this week...
This week has been a bit of struggle for me. Nothing major, simply a struggle with some food choices. I am wanting things that I shouldn't have. I guess that won't end because I had surgery. Someone once said "They operated on your guts, not your head!!!" There will always be the "head issues". Some days are harder than others.
I have come a LONG way! A very long way. I am remebering that when I struggle. It makes it a bit easier.
I hope you all are having a great start to your summer!!!
I have come a LONG way! A very long way. I am remebering that when I struggle. It makes it a bit easier.
I hope you all are having a great start to your summer!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
We love Cake
MMMM... Cake! Everyone loves cake, right?!?! I know I do! Last night, I made a sugar free cake. I adapted the recipe from a cake that I made and loved before surgery!!! WOO HOO!!! Bring it on! Granted, I am freezing most of the cake and only leaving a tiny bit out. It was AMAZING. Moist, flavorful and you couldn't tell it was sugar free!
Friday, June 8, 2012
I promise.... I am still here!! :)
Hey Kids!
Long time, no see... I know! I haven't had a computer for a bit. Ours died completely and I can't blog on my phone!
So much has been going on since we last chatted! First and foremost... I am officially down 80 pounds!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! Go me!!!! :) I am in full training mode for my 5K. Sparkly skirt and all! I have been really working hard for this! I WILL DO IT!!! :)
Something else... I am now getting B12 shots. My recent bloodwork said I was a bit low and so my doc prescribed the shots for me! I actually had to research B12 because I had no idea what it was or why I needed it! I found out some good stuff. I know... Big Dork over here! :) Hey, If I have to put something in my body and I don't know what it is... I am SOO going to research it! Wouldn't you?!?!?
I have been reading some interesting books lately... about clutter in both your body and your house! I know I've said this before, but I am clearing it all out! My house has been clean and I mean CLEAN for almost 2 weeks. It makes life easier, for sure. I can come down in the morning and see that I have a shiny and clean sink and it makes me smile. That starts my day off right. I am creating routines for myself. Ones that I can work with and continue. Something has been occuring to me lately... I AM NOT PERFECT! Shocker, I know... I know, I have burst some people's bubbles! I can't help it! LOL! However, I am not perfect. In realizing this, I can let go of some of my perfectionisims. It is freeing. EXTREMELY!
I have also learned about the HALT principle. I am trying to implement it into my life. HALT stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. I am trying to asses myself now based on these things.. am I truly hungry, or am I Angry, Lonley, or Tired? If I am truly hungry, I will eat. If I am anything else, I will distract myself untill I don't want to reach for food. I am learning to be good to myself. I AM WORTH IT! I am. It has taken me a long time to figure this all out. Now, that I have, I am never going back!!!!
OK!!!! That was Heavy, Deep and Real. We had a lot to catch up on!
BE KIND to yourself! Be Kind to others!
Long time, no see... I know! I haven't had a computer for a bit. Ours died completely and I can't blog on my phone!
So much has been going on since we last chatted! First and foremost... I am officially down 80 pounds!!!! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!! Go me!!!! :) I am in full training mode for my 5K. Sparkly skirt and all! I have been really working hard for this! I WILL DO IT!!! :)
Something else... I am now getting B12 shots. My recent bloodwork said I was a bit low and so my doc prescribed the shots for me! I actually had to research B12 because I had no idea what it was or why I needed it! I found out some good stuff. I know... Big Dork over here! :) Hey, If I have to put something in my body and I don't know what it is... I am SOO going to research it! Wouldn't you?!?!?
I have been reading some interesting books lately... about clutter in both your body and your house! I know I've said this before, but I am clearing it all out! My house has been clean and I mean CLEAN for almost 2 weeks. It makes life easier, for sure. I can come down in the morning and see that I have a shiny and clean sink and it makes me smile. That starts my day off right. I am creating routines for myself. Ones that I can work with and continue. Something has been occuring to me lately... I AM NOT PERFECT! Shocker, I know... I know, I have burst some people's bubbles! I can't help it! LOL! However, I am not perfect. In realizing this, I can let go of some of my perfectionisims. It is freeing. EXTREMELY!
I have also learned about the HALT principle. I am trying to implement it into my life. HALT stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. I am trying to asses myself now based on these things.. am I truly hungry, or am I Angry, Lonley, or Tired? If I am truly hungry, I will eat. If I am anything else, I will distract myself untill I don't want to reach for food. I am learning to be good to myself. I AM WORTH IT! I am. It has taken me a long time to figure this all out. Now, that I have, I am never going back!!!!
OK!!!! That was Heavy, Deep and Real. We had a lot to catch up on!
BE KIND to yourself! Be Kind to others!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Hubby and I were watching a show last night. "My Big, Fat weightloss story". The premiss of the show is of a family that needs to loose weight and they are going to do so as a family. In theory this is a good thing, right?!? In theory, communism is a good thing too!
I am not knocking these types of shows, well, not really. I wish they would show that they are educating the participants of these types of shows. They might be, but they aren't showing it. Yes, it is all stuff we may have heard before, but repetition never hurts! Also, I would love to see the medical professionals in some of these shows being portrayed as people caring about their patients. Telling someone that they are fat isn't helping them! Maybe they could work with the participants to come up with solutions that work for the individual. Simply telling them they are fat and need to loose weight does more damage than good.
I understand that producers are in a time crunch and need to figure out what sells, I do. I simply want to know what goes on behind all the cameras. Are they educating the participants about nutrition? Are they under the care of a doctor? And most importantly, are they giving them the tools they need to continue making the life changes that are necessary!?!?!?!?
I am not knocking these types of shows, well, not really. I wish they would show that they are educating the participants of these types of shows. They might be, but they aren't showing it. Yes, it is all stuff we may have heard before, but repetition never hurts! Also, I would love to see the medical professionals in some of these shows being portrayed as people caring about their patients. Telling someone that they are fat isn't helping them! Maybe they could work with the participants to come up with solutions that work for the individual. Simply telling them they are fat and need to loose weight does more damage than good.
I understand that producers are in a time crunch and need to figure out what sells, I do. I simply want to know what goes on behind all the cameras. Are they educating the participants about nutrition? Are they under the care of a doctor? And most importantly, are they giving them the tools they need to continue making the life changes that are necessary!?!?!?!?
Monday, May 28, 2012
Summer is HERE!
The title says it all! SUMMER IS HERE, finally! This makes me so happy. It is warm, it is clear, it is sunny. What more can a gal ask for?!
Guess what?!? The heat doesn't bother me as much as it used to. WOO HOO! That is good news, people! GOOD NEWS! I used to dread the heat. Heat was my enemy. Now, the heat isn't my enemy and a warm day is something to be treasured and enjoyed.
I hope you all had an amazing 3 day weekend. Happy start of summer, ya'll!!!
Guess what?!? The heat doesn't bother me as much as it used to. WOO HOO! That is good news, people! GOOD NEWS! I used to dread the heat. Heat was my enemy. Now, the heat isn't my enemy and a warm day is something to be treasured and enjoyed.
I hope you all had an amazing 3 day weekend. Happy start of summer, ya'll!!!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Weekend Inspiration
I hope everybody is enjoying the long weekend. Get out, enjoy time with your fam. Here is some weekend inspiration for you!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Keep it moving!
Today I went to my first Zumba class, post-WLS. For those of you who don't know, Zumba is latin aerobics. It is a dance class, it is aerobics, it is Jazzercise, who cares what it is... IT IS FUN and it gets ya moving.
I think that is one of the keys to weight loss, well for me anyway. The moving part. Prior to surgery, moving wasn't a pleasant experience for me or anyone around me, for that matter! Ok, forget moving, just walking wasn't a good experience. NOW, moving is a good thing. A really good thing. I enjoy it. I am not even moving a turtle speeds anymore. I am not at rabbit speeds, but I am not at turtle speeds.
I kept up with my class today. I didn't have all the moves down, but I kept up! If I messed up, I just laughed and kept moving until I caught up again. I turned beet red and had a blast doing it!
Get out there, take a chance, and KEEP IT MOVING!
I think that is one of the keys to weight loss, well for me anyway. The moving part. Prior to surgery, moving wasn't a pleasant experience for me or anyone around me, for that matter! Ok, forget moving, just walking wasn't a good experience. NOW, moving is a good thing. A really good thing. I enjoy it. I am not even moving a turtle speeds anymore. I am not at rabbit speeds, but I am not at turtle speeds.
I kept up with my class today. I didn't have all the moves down, but I kept up! If I messed up, I just laughed and kept moving until I caught up again. I turned beet red and had a blast doing it!
Get out there, take a chance, and KEEP IT MOVING!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Better with Protein
I forget sometimes how much I NEED protein. I always, always, always feel better when my meal/snack is loaded with proteins! I stay fuller longer and when I do need to eat again, I WANT to eat more protein!
I bring this up today because I just had a bowl of chili. Chili is LOADED with proteins. I feel great, right now! I had been feeling a bit sluggish and just a bit outta sorts!!! Nothing awful, just a bit off! I realized it was because I wasn't eating enough protein.
Some of you may know where you can find proteins, some may not! There are some surprising sources. I put together this list for ALL our knowledge! :)
These foods come in MANY forms. You aren't stuck with ONE dindin every night. Also, I find that if you mix it up, you can get the most outta the protein. You don't get bored, either. When I get bored, I find myself reaching for something with maybe less protein and less nutritional value. Since I can't eat much, packing my meals with protein is SUPER important!
Get yourself some protein and go to town!!!! Get creative with what you have! MOST OF ALL, ENJOY YOURSELF!!! :) :) :)
I bring this up today because I just had a bowl of chili. Chili is LOADED with proteins. I feel great, right now! I had been feeling a bit sluggish and just a bit outta sorts!!! Nothing awful, just a bit off! I realized it was because I wasn't eating enough protein.
Some of you may know where you can find proteins, some may not! There are some surprising sources. I put together this list for ALL our knowledge! :)
These foods come in MANY forms. You aren't stuck with ONE dindin every night. Also, I find that if you mix it up, you can get the most outta the protein. You don't get bored, either. When I get bored, I find myself reaching for something with maybe less protein and less nutritional value. Since I can't eat much, packing my meals with protein is SUPER important!
Get yourself some protein and go to town!!!! Get creative with what you have! MOST OF ALL, ENJOY YOURSELF!!! :) :) :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
New uniform? YOU BETCHA!!!
Do you all know what an infinity dress is? Well, I have decided that it will be my new uniform, so to speak! It is simply a circle skirt with two very very long straps attached. You can wrap it around yourself in a TON of different way to make it look like a different outfit! How cool is that!?!?!? You can wear it as a skirt, a tunic top, and a dress.
I bought an infinity dress and a few pairs of leggings. EVERYTHING else is gone! Yep, you heard me right gone, donezo, bye bye, and so long! It is exciting to realize that I am getting smaller and I have more options, it seems, in my clothing choices. However, until I level off a bit, it can be challenging. Challenging to find something that isn't a tent or not too tight.
This dress/top/skirt thing is great because I can wrap the straps as tight as I need. It will work with me instead of against me! Pair it with a pair of leggings and some fun jewelry, or a fun cardigan and a tank top. The options are endless. You don't have to have WLS to get an infinity dress. I think this is an essential piece for EVERYONE!!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Another one bites the dust!
Guess what kids?!?!?!? Another milestone has come! I am down 75 pounds! Yes, you heard me right! A whopping 75 pounds! Do you know what weighs 75 pounds? I'll tell ya!
1) $34019 US dollar bills (around $453 per pound)
2) Average Alaskan Malamute Husky Dog
3) Average Weight of 11 year old boy
4) 100 cans of Beer
5) a little less than a bag of concrete
6) 2 1/2 cinder blocks
7) 12 1/2 red bricks
8) 300 apples
9) 37,500 plain M&Ms
10) 5 High Performance Racing Bicycles
11) 247.5 Wigs
12) 960 Matchbox cars
13) 300 average weight kittens
14) 1440 AA Batteries
15) 3600 comic books
16) Around 54 bibles
17) 4037 gum balls
18) 300 Sticks of Butter
19) 5-10 Large Hams
20) 262,500 Bees
That is some list, if I do say so myself!!! I am going to keep grooving and moving along!!! WOOT WOOT!
1) $34019 US dollar bills (around $453 per pound)
2) Average Alaskan Malamute Husky Dog
3) Average Weight of 11 year old boy
4) 100 cans of Beer
5) a little less than a bag of concrete
6) 2 1/2 cinder blocks
7) 12 1/2 red bricks
8) 300 apples
9) 37,500 plain M&Ms
10) 5 High Performance Racing Bicycles
11) 247.5 Wigs
12) 960 Matchbox cars
13) 300 average weight kittens
14) 1440 AA Batteries
15) 3600 comic books
16) Around 54 bibles
17) 4037 gum balls
18) 300 Sticks of Butter
19) 5-10 Large Hams
20) 262,500 Bees
That is some list, if I do say so myself!!! I am going to keep grooving and moving along!!! WOOT WOOT!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Today I got my Sparkle Skirt in the mail! What is a sparkle skirt? You don't know?!??! It is only the most amazing and practical thing ever! It is a pair of running/walking compression shorts with a sparkly skirt over top! How can that be bad?!?!?! The shorts have nice cargo-y pockets on both legs and they STAY WHERE YOU PUT THEM! That is kinda important as gracefully picking short outta your bum is not possible!
On my WLS path, I am finding that pretty things help me focus and make the daily exercise dread way more fun. Sparkle Skirts is so helping me with that! When I feel pretty and sparkly, I walk faster and am more willing to push myself!
These skirts come in all sizes, even plus sizes, and in tons of fabrics! You can get them with or with out shorts underneath. I am so excited about these skirts, I HAD to share with you! OH, I didn't tell you about their amazing customer service! Leah and her team are amazing. She personally wrote me a quick email to thank me for the kind words I put on the order form.
I can't say enough about Sparkle Skirts! I am running my first 5K on July 4th. I will SOOOOO be wearing my purple sparkly skirt and telling EVERYONE where I got it!
On my WLS path, I am finding that pretty things help me focus and make the daily exercise dread way more fun. Sparkle Skirts is so helping me with that! When I feel pretty and sparkly, I walk faster and am more willing to push myself!
These skirts come in all sizes, even plus sizes, and in tons of fabrics! You can get them with or with out shorts underneath. I am so excited about these skirts, I HAD to share with you! OH, I didn't tell you about their amazing customer service! Leah and her team are amazing. She personally wrote me a quick email to thank me for the kind words I put on the order form.
I can't say enough about Sparkle Skirts! I am running my first 5K on July 4th. I will SOOOOO be wearing my purple sparkly skirt and telling EVERYONE where I got it!
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This is what a sparkle tech skirt looks like. ***THEY HAVEN'T PAID ME TO SAY ALL THESE THINGS, THEY ARE MY OWN OPINIONS!!!!!***** |
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Non Scale Victory this morning!
I had a TOTALY NSV this morning. I had to get some blood drawn this morning. Have you ever had your blood drawn? You know those weird arm bar chair things you have to sit in, right!?!? Those chairs have always been a NIGHTMARE for me. ALWAYS. I never fit. The bar that come across your front would never come across my front. I'd make it work, but it was never comfortable. My tummy spilling over the top and me squished into the chair.
THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN TODAY! Nope! I sat in the chair an was pleasantly surprised at how easy the bar came down. As an added bonus, it didn't even touch my tummy! TALK ABOUT A WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!
I did a happy dance out of the lab today! Oh, and happy Friday to ya too!
THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN TODAY! Nope! I sat in the chair an was pleasantly surprised at how easy the bar came down. As an added bonus, it didn't even touch my tummy! TALK ABOUT A WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!
I did a happy dance out of the lab today! Oh, and happy Friday to ya too!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
QUICK kitchen sink chili
Last night was one of those nights. You all know the ones... Everybody running in a million different directions and you forgot to take out something for dinner! Let me assure you dinner can be on the table in 15 min with this recipe! Also, it tastes great and make a ton!
Kitchen Sink Chili
*1 pound ground beef
*1 packet of chili seasoning
*1 can corn, drained
*1 can Great Northern beans, drained
*1 big can of crushed tomatoes with juice
*1 can pinto beans in light chili sauce
Brown and drain your ground beef. Dump all the rest of the stuff in a pot and simmer for about 10 minuets or until heated through.
I call this kitchen sink chili because you can use anything you have, except the kitchen sink! You want chicken instead of beef, go for it. Don't have great northern beans, use what you do have. Want it spicier, add more spices! Honestly, this is a quick and easy dindin that is tasty, filling, and full of good things! You get a nice protein boost!
Kitchen Sink Chili
*1 pound ground beef
*1 packet of chili seasoning
*1 can corn, drained
*1 can Great Northern beans, drained
*1 big can of crushed tomatoes with juice
*1 can pinto beans in light chili sauce
Brown and drain your ground beef. Dump all the rest of the stuff in a pot and simmer for about 10 minuets or until heated through.
I call this kitchen sink chili because you can use anything you have, except the kitchen sink! You want chicken instead of beef, go for it. Don't have great northern beans, use what you do have. Want it spicier, add more spices! Honestly, this is a quick and easy dindin that is tasty, filling, and full of good things! You get a nice protein boost!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The difference is clear!
About a year ago, my parents got on a plane to come see me. They wanted to go and do and I wanted to go with them. I REALLY wanted to go with them. In the end, I did go with them. Kind of! I had to keep sitting down because I couldn't breathe. My face was beet red and I was huffing and puffing! NOT a pretty site, mind you. Also, I was moving at glacial speeds. Needless to say, we didn't see much on account of me. Talk about embarrassing. It was humiliating! My parents came all this way and we didn't even get to see much.
Fast Forward to this year, Some gal pals came into town and we had a blast sightseeing! Yes, it was long days and LOTS of walking, but I kept up for most of it! Yes, I slowed down at points. However, I wasn't huffing and puffing or even beet red.
I wish my parents could come back and we could do everything and see everything now that I am capable!
Fast Forward to this year, Some gal pals came into town and we had a blast sightseeing! Yes, it was long days and LOTS of walking, but I kept up for most of it! Yes, I slowed down at points. However, I wasn't huffing and puffing or even beet red.
I wish my parents could come back and we could do everything and see everything now that I am capable!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Traveling after surgery
Hey Kids!
It is so good to be back home! I have had a BUSY week. A great, but busy week! A couple of my high school girlfriends came into town. I hadn't seen them in about 13 years! It was really nice to catch up.
There was one problem, though. WHAT DO I EAT WHEN I AM ON THE GO AND TRAVELING!?!?!?!? Well, I'll tell you! It simply takes a bit of planning and prep. In the end, it is nice because you can save some bucks and you KNOW you have something to eat!
Here are my traveling essentials, food wise anyway....
*Protein rich snacks, ie: Just the cheese and beef jerky
*I always check to see if there is going to be a supermarket near by. If there is, YAY! I can get some apples that I can smear with almond butter brought from home. I can also see if they have any cheese that is portable, as well.
*Sugar free candy for those sweet attacks! I prefer sugar free Jolly Ranchers, but you can pick whatever you like! Be careful though, sugar free candy has kinda a laxative effect if you have too much!!!!
*I pre-measure protein powder into zipper bags and always carry a mixer/shaker cup. Just add water or milk if you can get it, and you have a great breaky!
*I also pre-pack/pre-measure snacks into the small zipper bags, that way I can control my portions. Portion control is a HUGE thing for me! I also use single serving packages that I can throw in my bag!
See... easy-peasy! I found that if I take the time to plan, I can really enjoy my travels and I don't have to worry about what I am going to eat!
It is so good to be back home! I have had a BUSY week. A great, but busy week! A couple of my high school girlfriends came into town. I hadn't seen them in about 13 years! It was really nice to catch up.
There was one problem, though. WHAT DO I EAT WHEN I AM ON THE GO AND TRAVELING!?!?!?!? Well, I'll tell you! It simply takes a bit of planning and prep. In the end, it is nice because you can save some bucks and you KNOW you have something to eat!
Here are my traveling essentials, food wise anyway....
*Protein rich snacks, ie: Just the cheese and beef jerky
*I always check to see if there is going to be a supermarket near by. If there is, YAY! I can get some apples that I can smear with almond butter brought from home. I can also see if they have any cheese that is portable, as well.
*Sugar free candy for those sweet attacks! I prefer sugar free Jolly Ranchers, but you can pick whatever you like! Be careful though, sugar free candy has kinda a laxative effect if you have too much!!!!
*I pre-measure protein powder into zipper bags and always carry a mixer/shaker cup. Just add water or milk if you can get it, and you have a great breaky!
*I also pre-pack/pre-measure snacks into the small zipper bags, that way I can control my portions. Portion control is a HUGE thing for me! I also use single serving packages that I can throw in my bag!
See... easy-peasy! I found that if I take the time to plan, I can really enjoy my travels and I don't have to worry about what I am going to eat!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Updated pic with Sassitude!!!!
According to Jennifer Rizzo, one of my High School girl friends "Sassitude" is where it is at!!!! Sassitude is a sassy attitude! Put it together and and you have SASSITUDE! It's my new word! Get used to it! It is here to stay!
Here is an updated pic of me... Taken yesterday!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Happy Trails to you...
This is going to be a SUPER busy week for me. Some of my high school girlfriends are coming into town! We get to play tourist and all that fun stuff! I am really excited to see them. I haven't seen these girls in a bajillion years. I am SO not giving you the real number, because then I would have to admit my real age!!!! :)
As we'll be on the go a TON this week, finding healthy eating options will be a challenge. For me anyway. I need something that I can grab a handful of and be ok! ALSO, I need to know that I won't boot the food in front of everyone! So I came up with this version of trail mix! Trail mix is great because it isn't messy, You only need a bit, and you can put ANYTHING in it!
Kelli's awesomely yummy Trail Mix
1 c. High Fiber Cereal, I used Puffins
1 c. whole cashews
1 c. chopped hazelnuts
1 c. almonds
1 c. dried fruit, I used cranberries, pomegranate, blueberries, and cherries. I did 1 cup of each.
1 c. dark chocolate mini chips
For some extra crunch, I also used 1 c. Cracklin' Oat bran cereal.
As we'll be on the go a TON this week, finding healthy eating options will be a challenge. For me anyway. I need something that I can grab a handful of and be ok! ALSO, I need to know that I won't boot the food in front of everyone! So I came up with this version of trail mix! Trail mix is great because it isn't messy, You only need a bit, and you can put ANYTHING in it!
Kelli's awesomely yummy Trail Mix
1 c. High Fiber Cereal, I used Puffins
1 c. whole cashews
1 c. chopped hazelnuts
1 c. almonds
1 c. dried fruit, I used cranberries, pomegranate, blueberries, and cherries. I did 1 cup of each.
1 c. dark chocolate mini chips
For some extra crunch, I also used 1 c. Cracklin' Oat bran cereal.
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Not my photo, but it looks about the same!! Put everything in a zipper bag an shake to mix. You only need a 1/4 of a cup at a time. ENJOY!!!! |
Monday, May 7, 2012
Hey kids!
Guess what?!?! I stepped on the scale this morning and guess what it said! It said...... Drumroll, please!
230! Yep, that is what is said. That means that I am 70 pounds down from where I started! 70 pounds, people! These are things that are the equivalent of 70 pounds...
*A full helium tank
*An electric fireplace
*31752 thumbtacks
*A big wingback comfy chair
*The world’s biggest atlas
*187 Bananas
*A bushel of Corn
*The average sheet of drywall
I have been working hard. I won't stop working either. If I never loose another pound, however, I am happy! I am learning every day what my body needs and how to be the healthiest me I can be! Now I sound like a recruiting advertisement, sorry about that! I can't help it!
Guess what?!?! I stepped on the scale this morning and guess what it said! It said...... Drumroll, please!
230! Yep, that is what is said. That means that I am 70 pounds down from where I started! 70 pounds, people! These are things that are the equivalent of 70 pounds...
*A full helium tank
*An electric fireplace
*31752 thumbtacks
*A big wingback comfy chair
*The world’s biggest atlas
*187 Bananas
*A bushel of Corn
*The average sheet of drywall
I have been working hard. I won't stop working either. If I never loose another pound, however, I am happy! I am learning every day what my body needs and how to be the healthiest me I can be! Now I sound like a recruiting advertisement, sorry about that! I can't help it!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Weekend Inspiration
Here is an AMAZING story. SUCH inspiration!
Happy Weekend!!!
Happy Weekend!!!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Just a general howdy!!!
Hey kids!
Happy friday! I am so glad it is friday, y'all have NO idea! Maybe you do as it seems to have been a long week for everyone.
I have a clean downstairs! No, that isn't a euphemism , you dirty people, you! I really do have a clean downstairs! My dining room, living room and entry way! I have an entry way now. All vacuumed and organized and lovely! Did I mention that I have new to me furniture? I do! Grown up furniture that matches and everything!
I hope everybody has a GREAT weekend. Enjoy spending time with your family and loved ones. Be NICE to one another!
Happy friday! I am so glad it is friday, y'all have NO idea! Maybe you do as it seems to have been a long week for everyone.
I have a clean downstairs! No, that isn't a euphemism , you dirty people, you! I really do have a clean downstairs! My dining room, living room and entry way! I have an entry way now. All vacuumed and organized and lovely! Did I mention that I have new to me furniture? I do! Grown up furniture that matches and everything!
I hope everybody has a GREAT weekend. Enjoy spending time with your family and loved ones. Be NICE to one another!
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Fancy new furniture... with Kelli Ann-ness added! |
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
50 things to do instead of snacking...
I got this list from a great gal! Check out her blog and her list.....
It makes sense!!!
It makes sense!!!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
So far, yet not...
Sometimes I have negative thoughts! Shocker, I know. :) Sometimes, I think to myself, that I have SOOOOOOOOO far to go. Sometimes those thoughts crowd everything else out!
I have to remember how far I have actually come. That is why I made this side by side comparison. For days when I think I have so far to go... I can look at this and see how far I have actually come. I am a visual person! I need pictures!!!
Let's review....
Starting weight: 300 pounds
Sleep apnea, Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol
Special order clothes, wedding rings cutting off circulation, glasses too tight, oily skin
Exercise: HA!!! Yeah, right!
Now weight: 240 pounds
ALL and I mean ALL co-morbidities GONE! Out the window, bye-bye!
Can get clothes in a non plus size store, had to take rings off because they are too big, glasses fit, normal skin on the way!!!!
Exercise: Any and every chance I get! Walking is my preference, but who knows what is next!?!?!
I think I am going to print this pic out an keep it where I can see it. It will give me encouragement on those off days!
Monday, April 30, 2012
The sun will come out tomorrow!
The sun is out! THE SUN IS OUT! YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYYAYYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I wanted to say. I know it might not seem super important to y'all, however, it is to me!
Let's get this week started off right! Get outside. Enjoy the sun, while it is here!
Let's get this week started off right! Get outside. Enjoy the sun, while it is here!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Going bald?
It's a fact... I am loosing my hair. And not in small quantities, either! By the handful, is more like it. Every time I touch, brush or do anything near my head, hair falls out!
FEAR NOT! It is a normal occurrence after this type of surgery. Well, that is what I am told. My medical posse isn't as worried about it as I am. They suggested taking Biotin. YES, I will be taking that along with all my other vitamins!!!! Biotin promotes new hair growth and it help with hair loss!
In the meantime, I am thinking about cutting my hair quite short! I'm even looking into getting some fun wigs. No standard wigs for this gal! Go big or go home, right?!?!?! :) :)
FEAR NOT! It is a normal occurrence after this type of surgery. Well, that is what I am told. My medical posse isn't as worried about it as I am. They suggested taking Biotin. YES, I will be taking that along with all my other vitamins!!!! Biotin promotes new hair growth and it help with hair loss!
In the meantime, I am thinking about cutting my hair quite short! I'm even looking into getting some fun wigs. No standard wigs for this gal! Go big or go home, right?!?!?! :) :)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Italian night
I grew up near my cousins. Our families would get together and have big Italian feasts. Pasketti, homemade meat balls, garlic bread, salad... the works! My uncle would spend all day making the meatballs, as they were the highlight of the meal! He would always tell us it was his secret recipe.
For years, I have wanted that recipe. So, for one of my birthdays, my aunt typed it all out for me and sent it my way! I have never shrieked so loud. Hubby came running and I was jumping up and down an waving a piece of paper around! I HAD THE RECIPE!!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!
Tonight was the perfect night for meatballs. Is there a non perfect night for meatballs?! I would have loved to do the pasta and garlic bread, but I don't do that anymore (my choice)! I made a couple of Kelli Ann twists on the recipe. You know I had to put my own spin on it!!!
Kelli Ann's meatball extravaganza
adapted form Uncle Mike's Famous meatballs
1 pound ground beef
1 pound ground pork (I use one tube-y thing of Jimmy Dean)
1/4 c. good red wine
less than 1/4 c. bread crumbs, I used garlic and herb
whole wedge of parmesan cheese, shredded
minced garlic, a whole lot of it!
My uncle uses fennel seeds, and parsley, as well as some eggs to bind. I just forgot all that tonight! The shredded cheese was enough of a binder that I didn't need the eggs! I use both the pork and the beef as it keeps it super moist! Dry meat = not a happy pouch!
So, mix all your ingredients together until well combined. Form into whatever size meatballs you'd like. I make mine fairly large because they are my meal! Place them into the bottom of a deep-ish pan. I used my roasting pan. Pour enough water to cover the bottom of the pan and come partly up the meatballs. Cover the pan TIGHTLY with foil. Make sure you seal the edges well! Pop the pan into an oven pre-heated to 350. Cook them for 45-59 min, depending on the size. In the last 10-15 min of cooking remove the foil so the tops can brown up. They come out perfectly done while still being moist and SUPER tasty!!!!!
My uncle normally fries them and cooks them through in the sauce. I wanted to try steaming them. WOOHOOOO, they came out out great! I simply topped mine with a bit of jarred sauce! You can pair these with whatever kind of italian food you like!
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Sorry for the half eaten, blurry pic! I was simply soooooo hungry! :) |
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Rainy days and comfort food
It is raining today. Shocker, I know. It is England. However, it is ACTUALLY raining today, not spitting, which is what it normally does!
Whenever it pours like this, all I wanna do is snuggle on the couch and eat comfort foods. My love for comfort-y foods hasn't changed but my definition of them has, for sure! It used to be a HUGE portion of whatever fast food joint was closest. THEN, a double portion of extra fries! Now, I realize that I can have homemade comfort food at a FRACTION of the cost and other stuff!
Her ya go... my comfort food recipe of the day!
Zucchini Latkes
2-3 big zucchinis, grated
1/2 cup of multi-grain pancake mix
1/4 ish tsp. of Baking soda
1/4 tsp of KSP, or to taste
olive oil
First, drain your zucchini. Grate them into a colander in the sink. Sprinkle some salt, not the 1/4 tsp, on the top and leave them for about 10-15ish min. After that, place all the drained veg in a clean kitchen towel. WRING out your veg! You'll be surprised at how much aqua will come out! Give it an extra wring for good luck! Dump your veg into a bowl and the add the salt and pepper. Give it a stir and separate the clumps up. Add the soda and MG pancake mix. Mix it all together. Put the olive oil in the pan and heat it up until it is shimmery. Plop spoonfuls into your pan. Not too many, we don't wanna crowd the pan! Flatten with the back of your spatula. Cook about 3-4 min on each side on about medium heat until GOLDEN BROWN. I popped mine into a 325ish oven for about 10 mins to further crisp them up an fully set them!
Whenever it pours like this, all I wanna do is snuggle on the couch and eat comfort foods. My love for comfort-y foods hasn't changed but my definition of them has, for sure! It used to be a HUGE portion of whatever fast food joint was closest. THEN, a double portion of extra fries! Now, I realize that I can have homemade comfort food at a FRACTION of the cost and other stuff!
Her ya go... my comfort food recipe of the day!
Zucchini Latkes
2-3 big zucchinis, grated
1/2 cup of multi-grain pancake mix
1/4 ish tsp. of Baking soda
1/4 tsp of KSP, or to taste
olive oil
First, drain your zucchini. Grate them into a colander in the sink. Sprinkle some salt, not the 1/4 tsp, on the top and leave them for about 10-15ish min. After that, place all the drained veg in a clean kitchen towel. WRING out your veg! You'll be surprised at how much aqua will come out! Give it an extra wring for good luck! Dump your veg into a bowl and the add the salt and pepper. Give it a stir and separate the clumps up. Add the soda and MG pancake mix. Mix it all together. Put the olive oil in the pan and heat it up until it is shimmery. Plop spoonfuls into your pan. Not too many, we don't wanna crowd the pan! Flatten with the back of your spatula. Cook about 3-4 min on each side on about medium heat until GOLDEN BROWN. I popped mine into a 325ish oven for about 10 mins to further crisp them up an fully set them!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Bad day but good tamales!
Today has been a not great day. I woke up this morning and felt sick!! YUCK! I hate being sick!
Tomorrow is a different day. YAY for that! I did end up making some good homemade tamales, though! Hey, bad days aren't an excuse for eating poorly!!!
Poblano pepper tamales
Masa Dough
1 3/4 c. masa harina (instant corn masa mix)
1 3/4 c water
1 c. corn kernels
2 TBS. veggie oil
1/2 tsp. of salt
1 tsp. veggie oil
1 medium onion, sliced
2 poblano peppers, thinly sliced
6 oz. queso fresco, or Monterey jack
Tamale wrappers or parchment paper
Saute your veggies in the oil until crisp but cooked. Chop up your cheese into little pieces. Make your dough by mixing all the dough ingredients together! Now is the time to put it all together! In your tamale wrapper, put a little bit of dough and spread it on about a third of the wrapper. Next add your filling, not too much. Finally put the cheese on. Now comes the fun part. WRAPPING THEM!!!! Wrap it into a burrito type deal and fold up the bottom end. Finish putting all the tamales together! After they are all assembled, pop them into your steamer. My steamer was a GIANT stock pot with an upside down bowl on the bottom with a plate on the top. I put water in the bottom and the tamales on top of the plate. Steam your tamales for an hour. Take them out and let them cool a bit, they will firm up and become more tamale like!!!!! THEN EAT!
Makes 12 ish!
Tomorrow is a different day. YAY for that! I did end up making some good homemade tamales, though! Hey, bad days aren't an excuse for eating poorly!!!
Poblano pepper tamales
Masa Dough
1 3/4 c. masa harina (instant corn masa mix)
1 3/4 c water
1 c. corn kernels
2 TBS. veggie oil
1/2 tsp. of salt
1 tsp. veggie oil
1 medium onion, sliced
2 poblano peppers, thinly sliced
6 oz. queso fresco, or Monterey jack
Tamale wrappers or parchment paper
Saute your veggies in the oil until crisp but cooked. Chop up your cheese into little pieces. Make your dough by mixing all the dough ingredients together! Now is the time to put it all together! In your tamale wrapper, put a little bit of dough and spread it on about a third of the wrapper. Next add your filling, not too much. Finally put the cheese on. Now comes the fun part. WRAPPING THEM!!!! Wrap it into a burrito type deal and fold up the bottom end. Finish putting all the tamales together! After they are all assembled, pop them into your steamer. My steamer was a GIANT stock pot with an upside down bowl on the bottom with a plate on the top. I put water in the bottom and the tamales on top of the plate. Steam your tamales for an hour. Take them out and let them cool a bit, they will firm up and become more tamale like!!!!! THEN EAT!
Makes 12 ish!
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Yes, it is blurry and hubby's thumb is in the pic, but here they are!!! THEY ARE YUMMO!! |
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Yummy, Yummy pancakes...
People have been asking me what do I miss about not eating. Well, It's not that I am not eating, it's that I am eating different things and smaller portions.
However, that got me thinking... I really do miss breakfast-y type things, ie: pancakes!
NO LONGER, MY FRIENDS! I have a recipe for pancakes I can eat!
Here ya go!
Ricotta pancakes
1/2 cup ricotta cheese (drain the cheese in a coffee filter in a strainer to make it thicker, I did!)
3 TBS. Multigrain pancake mix
1 TBS. sugar free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 egg
2 TBS. Sugar free vanilla syrup (I use Toranni)
Whiz up all the ingredients in your mini food processor/blender until WELL combined. Spray your griddle/pan with non-stick spray. Cook over low to medium heat until golden! Enjoy with any sugar free toppings you like. I personally don't like anything on mine, so I ate them plain! This recipe makes 8 ish silver dollar sized pancakes.
*There are many variations... Add any flavor pudding and syrup!! If you are feeling frisky, don't forget a scoop of protein powder!
However, that got me thinking... I really do miss breakfast-y type things, ie: pancakes!
NO LONGER, MY FRIENDS! I have a recipe for pancakes I can eat!
Here ya go!
Ricotta pancakes
1/2 cup ricotta cheese (drain the cheese in a coffee filter in a strainer to make it thicker, I did!)
3 TBS. Multigrain pancake mix
1 TBS. sugar free instant vanilla pudding mix
1 egg
2 TBS. Sugar free vanilla syrup (I use Toranni)
Whiz up all the ingredients in your mini food processor/blender until WELL combined. Spray your griddle/pan with non-stick spray. Cook over low to medium heat until golden! Enjoy with any sugar free toppings you like. I personally don't like anything on mine, so I ate them plain! This recipe makes 8 ish silver dollar sized pancakes.
*There are many variations... Add any flavor pudding and syrup!! If you are feeling frisky, don't forget a scoop of protein powder!
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They aren't the prettiest, but they taste good!!! |
Gadgets that are a MUST HAVE in a post-op kitchen!
I am a gadget gal! I LOVE me some gadgets, let me tell you!!! Here are several gadgets that I couldn't live without in my post-op kitchen! They make life after surgery easier and WAY tastier than I though could be possible!!!
First is my mini food processor....
This thing is amazing! I, of course, got a hot pink one instead of green! It is great for whipping things up. If you are in the pureed food stage, it is a LIFE SAVER!!!!!
Next comes my slow cooker...
First is my mini food processor....
Next comes my slow cooker...
Slow cookers are great, especially when you use a slow cooker LINER!!!!! As a post-op gal, I need my food to be moist and juicy. It helps to keep everything moving in the right direction!!!
The next gadget is a MUST when cooking ground meat! The Pampered Chef Mix n' Chop!!!!
This thing is called the "meat smoosher" in our house! It make cooking ground up meat super easy... No scratching of the pans, no big forks!
The next item isn't a MUST have, but it does make things nice. You could use any blender, but I like the Magic Bullet!
I have several other gadgets, but these are the most important to me! What do you like to use?!?!
Monday, April 16, 2012
SUPER yummy ham and a slice.
Weird title, right? Well, let me tell you a story, then it won't be so weird!
I am a klutzy person. Ok, klutzy doesn't begin to cover it. I am a walking disaster! If I can hurt myself with something, I will. NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! This time I sliced my hand. Not in a "normal" place either. I didn't do it with a knife or slicer or any kitchen-y gadget. I sliced my hand with a plastic box. RIGHT BETWEEN MY FINGERS! It isn't a huge cut or anything, but MAN, does it hurt. Like I said... UBERKLUTZ!!!!
Ok, enough drama and on to the Yumminess that was din din last night! Hubby and I were watching daytime tv the other day and this recipe came on for ham. His ears perked up. He was paying attention now!!!! He declared that we should make this for dinner and soon! I put in on the meal plan!
Here ya go!
Ham with YUMMO glaze
Ham that is already cooked, we used a small one. We don't want leftovers for the next 8 years!
1 cup stout beer
1 cup honey
1 cup maple syrup
3/4 cup whole grain mustard
*note: You can adjust the measurements based on the size of your ham!*
Heat oven to 375. Add beer, honey, syrup, and mustard to a pot and bring to a boil. POUR OVER HAM. Pop it in the oven for about an hour. Remember the ham is cooked already, you are just cooking to caramelize the ham! You can baste the ham every 15ish minutes. If the liquid in the pan looks a little sparse, add some aqua!!!
This is super easy and YUMMY!
I am a klutzy person. Ok, klutzy doesn't begin to cover it. I am a walking disaster! If I can hurt myself with something, I will. NO MATTER WHAT IT IS! This time I sliced my hand. Not in a "normal" place either. I didn't do it with a knife or slicer or any kitchen-y gadget. I sliced my hand with a plastic box. RIGHT BETWEEN MY FINGERS! It isn't a huge cut or anything, but MAN, does it hurt. Like I said... UBERKLUTZ!!!!
Ok, enough drama and on to the Yumminess that was din din last night! Hubby and I were watching daytime tv the other day and this recipe came on for ham. His ears perked up. He was paying attention now!!!! He declared that we should make this for dinner and soon! I put in on the meal plan!
Here ya go!
Ham with YUMMO glaze
Ham that is already cooked, we used a small one. We don't want leftovers for the next 8 years!
1 cup stout beer
1 cup honey
1 cup maple syrup
3/4 cup whole grain mustard
*note: You can adjust the measurements based on the size of your ham!*
Heat oven to 375. Add beer, honey, syrup, and mustard to a pot and bring to a boil. POUR OVER HAM. Pop it in the oven for about an hour. Remember the ham is cooked already, you are just cooking to caramelize the ham! You can baste the ham every 15ish minutes. If the liquid in the pan looks a little sparse, add some aqua!!!
This is super easy and YUMMY!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I love ice cream. Rocky road is my favorite. It is just something about the chocolate, nuts and marshmallows that just does it for me. As you all know, I don't do sweets much anymore. And by much, I mean never! There goes my Rocky Road!!!
I got a great gift for Christmas this past year. I got an ICE CREAM MAKER! Now I can make my own frozen-y treats!!! It might not be Rocky Road, but I can still have my desserts!
I tried this new recipe for some frozen yogurt!!! It is different and I have to get used to it, but it is kinda tasty! I made Blackberry Frozen yogurt, it is a really simple recipe. You DO need an ice cream maker. That is the only piece of special equipment you HAVE to have!
Blackberry Frozen Yogurt
3 cups fresh blackberries
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3 cups plain greek yogurt (next time I will use the blackberry flavored)
ice cream maker
Puree blackberries and sweetened condensed milk in either a blender or food processor. Add the greek yogurt and mix well. Plop it all in the ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer's instructions for making frozen-y goodness!!!!
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SO not mine, but isn't it pretty!!! :) |
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
I was skyping with my dad today. Don't you just love technology?!?!? I think it is FABULOUS!!!!!
Anyway, He was saying something that really rang true for me (He says lots of things that ring true with me, he's that kinda guy :) ). He said that I was honest about my good and bad days here on this blog. He's right!
That is one thing I will always be with you. I will always be real and honest. Ok, that is two things! If I can't be honest here, where the heck can I be?!?!?
If my journey and I use that word because I can't think of another. Personally, I think that word is cheezy and overused, but... OH WELL! Sorry, I get sidetracked very easily! Ooh.. Look! A squirrel! :)
Back to my "journey".... If my struggles or victories can help just one other person that would be cool, but if not, I am not worried! I mainly write because it is an outlet for me. It is a stress buster! I feel so much better after writing about my day, good or bad. For me, it is a diary, kinda, of my life. I wanna keep that around. I wanna remember, EXACTLY, how I was feeling that day or for that period of time.
Honesty and reality is what you will get from me! I hope you keep reading!!!!
Anyway, He was saying something that really rang true for me (He says lots of things that ring true with me, he's that kinda guy :) ). He said that I was honest about my good and bad days here on this blog. He's right!
That is one thing I will always be with you. I will always be real and honest. Ok, that is two things! If I can't be honest here, where the heck can I be?!?!?
If my journey and I use that word because I can't think of another. Personally, I think that word is cheezy and overused, but... OH WELL! Sorry, I get sidetracked very easily! Ooh.. Look! A squirrel! :)
Back to my "journey".... If my struggles or victories can help just one other person that would be cool, but if not, I am not worried! I mainly write because it is an outlet for me. It is a stress buster! I feel so much better after writing about my day, good or bad. For me, it is a diary, kinda, of my life. I wanna keep that around. I wanna remember, EXACTLY, how I was feeling that day or for that period of time.
Honesty and reality is what you will get from me! I hope you keep reading!!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Choices and a recipe!
I have to make a choices all the time, especially regarding what I put in my body, food-wise. I have to CHOOSE to put good-for-me things in my body. Let me tell you, it isn't easy all the time. Take today, for instance... I wanted french fries. I know I am not suppose to eat them, yet I wanted them anyway. I had them and they were good. I didn't eat many, I don't eat much of ANYTHING.
I am not going to feel guilty about eating them. You know why? Because I didn't OVEReat. I chose to have some french fries, but I didn't have a bucket full of them! I had just enough to kill my craving. That has to mean something, right?!?
Through this process, and it is a process, I am learning to make better choices in everything. I don't always make the right one, no one ever does. That doesn't mean my day is ruined or that my "diet" is ruined. It isn't. I just move on.
Ok.. Enough HDR (Heavy, deep, and real) and now for a recipe!!!!!
Kelli Ann's version of Beef stew
Diced, cubed beef
1 Guinness
1 can chicken broth
1 envelope Lipton onion soup... I used the onion mushroom version
sliced carrots
1 onion, sliced
1 bunch of celery, sliced... leaves and all!
some paprika
some flour
I had some veggies in my fridge that were about to go off, so I chopped them up and threw them in the bottom of my Crock-pot! I had some diced beef thawed. I threw some flour, some KSP and some paprika into a zipper bag. Put your diced beef in the zipper bag with the spiced flour. Moosh it all around until the beef is all coated. Yes, I said moosh! It's a technical term! While you are mooshing, heat up some olive oil in a skillet on your stove. When the beef is coated and oil is hot, Brown up that beef!!! You don't have to do this, but it makes it super yummy! When beef is brown, but not cooked through, dump the whole skillet in your slow cooker. Make sure to scrape all the brown, lovely, crispy bits into the crockpot! Dump in a Guinness and your chicken broth then add the envelope of soup mix. Put it on low for several hours or high for a few less! Spoon into a bowl an enjoy!!!!
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LOVE my crock-pot! Make clean up easy by using a Crock-pot LIINER!!!!!!!! |
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Am I a crazy person?
I ran today. As in RAN! I started my "Couch to 5k" program today. I have never ran before. When I say never, I MEAN, NOT A SINGLE DAY, never! I ran for 4 whole minutes! I had to keep asking my hubby to check behind me to see if my organs were falling out!
I am DETERMINED to run a 5k in July and this is the only way to do it, right?!
I am pretty pleased with myself. Today it was 4 minutes, tomorrow it will be 5!
I am DETERMINED to run a 5k in July and this is the only way to do it, right?!
I am pretty pleased with myself. Today it was 4 minutes, tomorrow it will be 5!
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And I didn't look like this toooo much!!!! |
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Easy, peasy YUMMO din-din!!!
OK!!!! I shouldn't even be posting this as a recipe because it is THAT easy!!! Tonight I made foil packet Mahi-Mahi and a cucumber tomato salad!
Here are the recipes: You'll laugh at how easy it is!!
Foil packet Fish:
Olive oil
Pre-heat your oven to 350. See easy enough, already! Take a square of foil big enough to wrap your fish in. Drizzle olive oil on it. Plop the fish down and drizzle some more olive oil on the top. Add some KSP. Now, just seal the top and sides and bake for 30ish minutes depending on the size of your fish! SEE... EASY! Best of all, no clean up!
Cucumber and tomato salad (I had this when I was in Israel a bajillion years ago and FINALLY found a recipe for the authentic stuff):
Tomatoes, de-seeded and diced
Cucumber, de-seeded and diced
1 red pepper, diced (see a pattern here)
Olive oil
some lemon juice
Add all your diced veggies to a bowl. OH, your veg should be at room temp. It tastes better that way! Next add your olive oil, lemon juice and KSP to the bowl, all to your taste! Toss and enjoy!
Here are the recipes: You'll laugh at how easy it is!!
Foil packet Fish:
Olive oil
Pre-heat your oven to 350. See easy enough, already! Take a square of foil big enough to wrap your fish in. Drizzle olive oil on it. Plop the fish down and drizzle some more olive oil on the top. Add some KSP. Now, just seal the top and sides and bake for 30ish minutes depending on the size of your fish! SEE... EASY! Best of all, no clean up!
Cucumber and tomato salad (I had this when I was in Israel a bajillion years ago and FINALLY found a recipe for the authentic stuff):
Tomatoes, de-seeded and diced
Cucumber, de-seeded and diced
1 red pepper, diced (see a pattern here)
Olive oil
some lemon juice
Add all your diced veggies to a bowl. OH, your veg should be at room temp. It tastes better that way! Next add your olive oil, lemon juice and KSP to the bowl, all to your taste! Toss and enjoy!
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See, even our "china" is easy peasy tonight!!! Doesn't this look YUMMY! Fresh and light and crisp!!! |
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Comfort food to the max!
When it is cold and rainy out I crave comfort foods. Warm and saucy pasta to be exact! One teeny tiny problem with this picture... I don't eat pasta any more. What is a gal to do without pasta?!?!?! Well, come up with something else entirely, DUH!
I came up with Veggie lasagna. No noodles! Yes, you heard me right! NO NOODLES! I used Eggplant, zucchini, and some mushrooms! I cut them into ribbons, well... that isn't ENTIRELY true... I made my hubby do all the cutting. Anything with a blade kinda scares me at the moment. I am still trying to re-grow my thumb tip!
Ok here is the recipe...
Tomato Sauce (yes, today I made my own)
1 can San Marzano crushed tomatoes. I like these, you can use whatever you have!
minced garlic (I LIKE TONS, but it is to taste)
one small hunk of butter
fennel seeds
parsley flakes
tomato paste
Saute the garlic in the butter (how bad can that be?!). Add the can of crushed tomatoes and a couple squrits of the paste. I use the tube-y kind, but you can use the kind in a can. It adds a richness to the sauce! Then start adding spices. I added a couple of dashes of Tapatio because I didn't have red pepper flakes! This is all about what tastes good to you, or me in this case! Simmer for about 30 ish minutes while you prep the rest of the stuff!
Now for the rest of it.... Make sure you have a heavy, oven safe pot. I am using this ADORABLE dutch oven I got. It is a pink heart! how cute is that!!?!?!? Then I layered the eggplant ribbons and zuchinni ribbons with some portabello mushrooms, then sauce, then fresh mozzarella cheese! Make sure you end with cheese on the top. Pop that baby in the oven! Cook it on 375 for about an hour. Take the top off the cook it for an aditional 20ish minutes to brown it all up!
Let it cool for a bit! I know you are going to want to dive right in, but let it cool and firm up a bit! No burning mouths, here!!!!
I came up with Veggie lasagna. No noodles! Yes, you heard me right! NO NOODLES! I used Eggplant, zucchini, and some mushrooms! I cut them into ribbons, well... that isn't ENTIRELY true... I made my hubby do all the cutting. Anything with a blade kinda scares me at the moment. I am still trying to re-grow my thumb tip!
Ok here is the recipe...
Tomato Sauce (yes, today I made my own)
1 can San Marzano crushed tomatoes. I like these, you can use whatever you have!
minced garlic (I LIKE TONS, but it is to taste)
one small hunk of butter
fennel seeds
parsley flakes
tomato paste
Saute the garlic in the butter (how bad can that be?!). Add the can of crushed tomatoes and a couple squrits of the paste. I use the tube-y kind, but you can use the kind in a can. It adds a richness to the sauce! Then start adding spices. I added a couple of dashes of Tapatio because I didn't have red pepper flakes! This is all about what tastes good to you, or me in this case! Simmer for about 30 ish minutes while you prep the rest of the stuff!
Now for the rest of it.... Make sure you have a heavy, oven safe pot. I am using this ADORABLE dutch oven I got. It is a pink heart! how cute is that!!?!?!? Then I layered the eggplant ribbons and zuchinni ribbons with some portabello mushrooms, then sauce, then fresh mozzarella cheese! Make sure you end with cheese on the top. Pop that baby in the oven! Cook it on 375 for about an hour. Take the top off the cook it for an aditional 20ish minutes to brown it all up!
Let it cool for a bit! I know you are going to want to dive right in, but let it cool and firm up a bit! No burning mouths, here!!!!
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Not mine, but you get the idea. I couldn't even find my phone to take a blurry pic with, so I googled!!!! |
8 weeks... Clean bill of Health!
It has been 8 weeks. I now have clean bill of health. I saw my surgeon yesterday. It was quite a trek. 3 hours in one direction, just to spend 20 minutes with him. However, in those 20 minutes, he told me I was doing well and needed to keep on keeping on. He also weighed me. I am officially down 46 pounds! I have to tell you, I feel so much better already! I don't know how I carried all that around with me!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Some great articles from this past week...
I have read some really great articles this past week. I thought I would share!
Fast food and depression:
Obesity related disease:
I hope you find the articles informing!!!! They may be a bit technical, but they are helpful!!!
Fast food and depression:
Obesity related disease:
I hope you find the articles informing!!!! They may be a bit technical, but they are helpful!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Something wonderful
I was just FB messaging with my bestest pal and we were chatting about food... I talk about food A LOT!
I was telling her that I would rather have one bite (which is about all I can have anyway) of something WONDERFUL than a whole plate of something so-so.
I am learning new ways to cook with new ingredients. None of my food has been "diet" food. I hate the word diet. No one wants to be on a diet. I think everyone hates the word diet. I am proof that you don't need to eat "diet" food. I am still enjoying most of the foods I used to. I simply re-make them to fit this new lifestyle of mine! Yes, I have had to cut somethings out.. Honestly, I don't really miss the things that I have cut out!
I know this is nothing new and that I have said it before, but I like to remind myself of this! After all it takes 30 days to make a habit!!!!
I was telling her that I would rather have one bite (which is about all I can have anyway) of something WONDERFUL than a whole plate of something so-so.
I am learning new ways to cook with new ingredients. None of my food has been "diet" food. I hate the word diet. No one wants to be on a diet. I think everyone hates the word diet. I am proof that you don't need to eat "diet" food. I am still enjoying most of the foods I used to. I simply re-make them to fit this new lifestyle of mine! Yes, I have had to cut somethings out.. Honestly, I don't really miss the things that I have cut out!
I know this is nothing new and that I have said it before, but I like to remind myself of this! After all it takes 30 days to make a habit!!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sausage stuffed, bacon wrapped Jalepenos
Ok.. on these days when hubbers is working late, I really have no desire to cook! However, I have to eat, right?!?!
I happen to love sausage, cheese, bacon and jalepenos! LOVE... Put them together and you have little pieces of meat and cheese candy!
I know I am not the first one to come up with this, but I will give you my version!!!!
Sausage stuffed, bacon wrapped Jalepenos
*Jalepenos, about 9
*Block of cream cheese
*Cheddar cheese, grated
*1 pound of bulk saussage. I use Jimmy dean in the chub thing!
*Bacon, uncooked
Pre-heat oven to 400. Slice your jalepenos and scrape out all the seeds and veins... Set aside. Cook sausage until no longer pink. I would fresh grate some cheddar cheese, the kind in the bag worries me because it doesn't stick together! Put the cheddar and cream cheese in a bowl. Drain your sausage and while it is hot add it to the cheese bowl. The heat from the meat will soften the cheese and make it super easy to mix all together! When everything is combined, scoop it into the peppers. Wrap the peppers in bacon and place on foil-lined cookie sheet. You can put them on a rack to make the bacon crispy all around. Pop into the oven for about 20-30 min or until the bacon is crispy!
I happen to love sausage, cheese, bacon and jalepenos! LOVE... Put them together and you have little pieces of meat and cheese candy!
I know I am not the first one to come up with this, but I will give you my version!!!!
Sausage stuffed, bacon wrapped Jalepenos
*Jalepenos, about 9
*Block of cream cheese
*Cheddar cheese, grated
*1 pound of bulk saussage. I use Jimmy dean in the chub thing!
*Bacon, uncooked
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One with bacon, one without! |
Pre-heat oven to 400. Slice your jalepenos and scrape out all the seeds and veins... Set aside. Cook sausage until no longer pink. I would fresh grate some cheddar cheese, the kind in the bag worries me because it doesn't stick together! Put the cheddar and cream cheese in a bowl. Drain your sausage and while it is hot add it to the cheese bowl. The heat from the meat will soften the cheese and make it super easy to mix all together! When everything is combined, scoop it into the peppers. Wrap the peppers in bacon and place on foil-lined cookie sheet. You can put them on a rack to make the bacon crispy all around. Pop into the oven for about 20-30 min or until the bacon is crispy!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Spicy slaw fishy tacos
Holy Smokes! I just made a great spring/summer dish! It is fresh an light and SUPER easy peasy! OH.. and way yummy to boot!
I have been craving something light to go with these beautiful days we are having. Let me tell you we are having amazingly beautiful days! Sunny, and mostly warm!!!! I'll take semi warm and sunny ANY DAY!
Spicy slaw fishy tacos
* Napa cabbage, I used Napa because it is what was in the fridge. You can use whatever!!!!
*Greek yogurt, plain
*Some hot sauce... TO TASTE!
*Cilantro, optional
*Fresh lime juice
*Fish, Again use what ya have. Mahi Mahi is our fav, so we used that. A nice white fish will work great.
*Lettuce for the wrap/taco part
You are essentially making a cole slaw. I started with 1/4 c. Greek yogurt. Whisk in some lime juice to make it dressing consistency. Add some KSP and and handful of chopped up cilantro and the hot sauce. Set aside. Slice your cabbage into thin ribbons. Toss the dressing with cabbage.
Now... you can make your fish however you want. I pulled out my trusty George Foreman grill and did it up that way. You can bake it, broil it, steam it. I wouldn't suggest frying... we are tying to keep it light!!!
When the fish is done... shred it! You all know how to shred, right?!?!? Take two forks and pull the pieces apart until it is all in little bits!
Now comes the fun part... PUT IT ALL TOGETHER! Take a lettuce leaf, you could you a tortilla if you really wanted, put some fish on it then top it with your slaw. You can then put salsa or whatever you like on it. ENJOY!
See easy-peasy!!!!
*I should remind all y'all that my portions are tiny... You can adjust any of the recipes to fit and/or work for you!
Highlights of my day:
Walked 1.5 miles today!!! WOOT!!!!!!
I have been craving something light to go with these beautiful days we are having. Let me tell you we are having amazingly beautiful days! Sunny, and mostly warm!!!! I'll take semi warm and sunny ANY DAY!
Spicy slaw fishy tacos
* Napa cabbage, I used Napa because it is what was in the fridge. You can use whatever!!!!
*Greek yogurt, plain
*Some hot sauce... TO TASTE!
*Cilantro, optional
*Fresh lime juice
*Fish, Again use what ya have. Mahi Mahi is our fav, so we used that. A nice white fish will work great.
*Lettuce for the wrap/taco part
You are essentially making a cole slaw. I started with 1/4 c. Greek yogurt. Whisk in some lime juice to make it dressing consistency. Add some KSP and and handful of chopped up cilantro and the hot sauce. Set aside. Slice your cabbage into thin ribbons. Toss the dressing with cabbage.
Now... you can make your fish however you want. I pulled out my trusty George Foreman grill and did it up that way. You can bake it, broil it, steam it. I wouldn't suggest frying... we are tying to keep it light!!!
When the fish is done... shred it! You all know how to shred, right?!?!? Take two forks and pull the pieces apart until it is all in little bits!
Now comes the fun part... PUT IT ALL TOGETHER! Take a lettuce leaf, you could you a tortilla if you really wanted, put some fish on it then top it with your slaw. You can then put salsa or whatever you like on it. ENJOY!
See easy-peasy!!!!
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It is blurry, but you get the picture, right?!?!? :) |
*I should remind all y'all that my portions are tiny... You can adjust any of the recipes to fit and/or work for you!
Highlights of my day:
Walked 1.5 miles today!!! WOOT!!!!!!
Obesity Action Coalition
The OAC has a 14 part FREE webinar on obesity and different aspects of it. Did I mention FREE?!?!
Sign up and learn some stuff! I did!
The first session is in the archived section.
Sign up and learn some stuff! I did!
The first session is in the archived section.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Asian pork lettuce wraps
Another thing I am sorely missing is Chinese food since I began this journey. I am leery of going out for it because there tends to be a bunch of sugar in the sauces. Sugar and I don't mix very well. I decided to make my own! GO ME!
I was perusing foodgawker.com (one of my favorite sites EVAH!!) an I came across this recipe for Asian Lettuce wraps. It sounded intriguing an totally YUMMY!
I made them and they were FAB!!!!! I'll let you be the judge, though.
Asian pork lettuce wraps
3T fish sauce
3T rice vineger (not seasoned... too much sugar)
2tsp garlic puree
2tsp ginger puree
1tsp Seasme oil
pinch red pepper flakes
1 pound pork cutlets
2-3 cups shredded Napa cabbage
1 red bell pepper sliced thinly
lettuce for the wrap part
In a small bowl whisk together dressing stuff. In hindsight, I would add more ginger and garlic. Set aside. The longer you let it sit, the longer the flavors can combine! YUMMO!!!!!
I used some boneless pork chops that I had. I am sure you can get pork cutlets, but I used what I had! I pounded them mostly flat and thin.. they cook super fast that way! Season both sides of the pork with some KSP. No bland pork here! Cook in a heavy bottom pan till cooked through, about 5ish min on each side. They will be nice and golden brown. Pull them off the heat and let them rest while you do the next steps. Put the cabbage and bell pepper in a bowl... put a few tablespoons of dressing on it and toss. When the meat has rested, cut it into strips. Dress it the same way you did the veg. Now comes the great part... Wrap in lettuce leaves and EAT!
It is a really simple recipe that gives you the flavor that you crave and with no added sugar or anything like that!
Highlights of my week:
*walked a whole mile
*hung out with a really good friend and went to lunch
*did I mention that I walked a WHOLE MILE!!!!!
I was perusing foodgawker.com (one of my favorite sites EVAH!!) an I came across this recipe for Asian Lettuce wraps. It sounded intriguing an totally YUMMY!
I made them and they were FAB!!!!! I'll let you be the judge, though.
Asian pork lettuce wraps
3T fish sauce
3T rice vineger (not seasoned... too much sugar)
2tsp garlic puree
2tsp ginger puree
1tsp Seasme oil
pinch red pepper flakes
1 pound pork cutlets
2-3 cups shredded Napa cabbage
1 red bell pepper sliced thinly
lettuce for the wrap part
In a small bowl whisk together dressing stuff. In hindsight, I would add more ginger and garlic. Set aside. The longer you let it sit, the longer the flavors can combine! YUMMO!!!!!
I used some boneless pork chops that I had. I am sure you can get pork cutlets, but I used what I had! I pounded them mostly flat and thin.. they cook super fast that way! Season both sides of the pork with some KSP. No bland pork here! Cook in a heavy bottom pan till cooked through, about 5ish min on each side. They will be nice and golden brown. Pull them off the heat and let them rest while you do the next steps. Put the cabbage and bell pepper in a bowl... put a few tablespoons of dressing on it and toss. When the meat has rested, cut it into strips. Dress it the same way you did the veg. Now comes the great part... Wrap in lettuce leaves and EAT!
It is a really simple recipe that gives you the flavor that you crave and with no added sugar or anything like that!
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I need to use my better camera... TRUST ME. This is YUMMO!!!! |
*walked a whole mile
*hung out with a really good friend and went to lunch
*did I mention that I walked a WHOLE MILE!!!!!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Identity crisis?
I think I might be having an identity crisis. I don't know who I am anymore, so to speak. I find myself looking at fitness blogs and running blogs. I find myself looking for cute running /workout clothes. I find myself researching good shoes for running/working out. WHO THE HECK AM I?!?!?!?!
I guess it it because the focus of my life is changing, all my habits are changing. It is a little disconcerting, though. I don't know this new me, YET! I spent 31 years getting to know and love the "fat" me.
Well, I'll just have to get to know this new me. I am still the same person, I think, just a healthy version. I like what I know so far.
I guess it it because the focus of my life is changing, all my habits are changing. It is a little disconcerting, though. I don't know this new me, YET! I spent 31 years getting to know and love the "fat" me.
Well, I'll just have to get to know this new me. I am still the same person, I think, just a healthy version. I like what I know so far.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Smokey Chicken Cups *SPICY*
I LOVE LOVE LOVE mexican food. LOVE! As in I would eat it all the stinking time if i could!
Tonight I made a FAB din din and I thought I would share with you!
Smokey Chicken cups
*1 can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
*1 rotisserie chicken, de-skinned and shredded
* 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper (these are spicy!!!)
*1/2 cup cilantro
*juice of half a lime, maybe a whole one if it isn't juicy
*pinch of brown sugar
*2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
*1 avocado, sliced or diced
* Lettuce leaves for the cups
Put everything in your food processor, except the chicken, lettuce, and avocado. Whiz it up until it is all blended. Pour sauce in a pan and start heating it up. Mix shredded chicken in and heat through. Place on a lettuce leaf (or cooked tortilla, your choice!) and top with avocado!
The avocado cools off this SPICY dish! THIS IS VERY SPICY!!!!!!!! You can also top with sour cream or anything you want really!
AMAZINGness!!!!! It is really tasty!
I hope you enjoy!!!
Tonight I made a FAB din din and I thought I would share with you!
Smokey Chicken cups
*1 can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
*1 rotisserie chicken, de-skinned and shredded
* 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper (these are spicy!!!)
*1/2 cup cilantro
*juice of half a lime, maybe a whole one if it isn't juicy
*pinch of brown sugar
*2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
*1 avocado, sliced or diced
* Lettuce leaves for the cups
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Again... BAD food blogger, not a great pic, but soooooo yummy! |
Put everything in your food processor, except the chicken, lettuce, and avocado. Whiz it up until it is all blended. Pour sauce in a pan and start heating it up. Mix shredded chicken in and heat through. Place on a lettuce leaf (or cooked tortilla, your choice!) and top with avocado!
The avocado cools off this SPICY dish! THIS IS VERY SPICY!!!!!!!! You can also top with sour cream or anything you want really!
AMAZINGness!!!!! It is really tasty!
I hope you enjoy!!!
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