Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easy, peasy YUMMO din-din!!!

OK!!!!  I shouldn't even be posting this as a recipe because it is THAT easy!!!  Tonight I made foil packet Mahi-Mahi and a cucumber tomato salad!

Here are the recipes:  You'll laugh at how easy it is!!

Foil packet Fish:

Olive oil

Pre-heat your oven to 350.  See easy enough, already!  Take a square of foil big enough to wrap your fish in.  Drizzle olive oil on it.  Plop the fish down and drizzle some more olive oil on the top.  Add some KSP.  Now, just seal the top and sides and bake for 30ish minutes depending on the size of your fish!  SEE... EASY!  Best of all, no clean up!

Cucumber and tomato salad (I had this when I was in Israel a bajillion years ago and  FINALLY found a recipe for the authentic stuff):

Tomatoes, de-seeded and diced
Cucumber, de-seeded and diced
1 red pepper, diced (see a pattern here)
Olive oil
some lemon juice

Add all your diced veggies to a bowl.  OH, your veg should be at room temp.  It tastes better that way!  Next add your olive oil, lemon juice and KSP to the bowl, all to your taste!  Toss and enjoy!

See, even our "china" is easy peasy tonight!!!  Doesn't this look YUMMY!  Fresh and light and crisp!!!

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