Thursday, June 28, 2012

Double take

Hey kids... Guess what? I am 90 pounds down! Can I get a what what with a side of fries!?!?!?! Woohoo! GO ME! I am feeling better than I ever have in my life. That is saying something. I catch myself in a reflection and it startles me. I don't realize it is me. I find myself doing a double take. Yep. It is me. I am so excited, I had to share. Be kind to one another and get your groove on!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Catch up and a 5k

I got an IPad... I am learning how to tpe on this thing. It is interesting, for sure. Let me catch you up... I did my first official 5k on Saturday. My friend Keri saw a flyer for it and said we needed to do it! I agreed. I was game. I walk on most days anyway, why not do it for a 5k!?!?!?! On Saturday morning, Hubbers and I woke up and got ready. We started the walk to base, as we have no car. Walking works for us! We got mostly to the front gate and I realized I forgot my id. Oh no!?!?!?! I had to turn around and go home. I didn't give up though... I would have before, but, DANGIT, I wanted to do this... So, id in hand, I turned around and walked my happy behind back to base. Woooohoo, score one for Kelli Ann! I got to the gym and met my gal pals, Keri and Crissy. We were ready. I got myself signed in and received my race pennant thingy and t-shirt. It was the tortoise and hare race. I wasn't a hare, for sure. It was windy, but sunny, for once. We walked the race with some jogging bits! I finished the race in 47 minuets and I wasn't even the last person. Let me tell you, I ran, yes ran, across the finish line with my arms raised above my head. I did it. One down and many more to come... I feel like I am on top of the world, even now, 3 days later! I am running/walking another 5k next week on the 4th of July. My new life is amazing. I realize that I am so blessed that I can now do 5k races and not die in the process. I am making the most of this second chance. BRING IT ON, LIFE!!! I'm ready for ya!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A bit of a struggle this week...

This week has been a bit of struggle for me.  Nothing major, simply a struggle with some food choices.  I am wanting things that I shouldn't have.  I guess that won't end because I had surgery.  Someone once said "They operated on your guts, not your head!!!" There will always be the "head issues".  Some days are harder than others. 

I have come a LONG way!  A very long way.  I am remebering that when I struggle.  It makes it a bit easier.

I hope you all are having a great start to your summer!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We love Cake

MMMM... Cake!  Everyone loves cake, right?!?!  I know I do!  Last night, I made a sugar free cake.  I adapted the recipe from a cake that I made and loved before surgery!!!  WOO HOO!!!  Bring it on!  Granted, I am freezing most of the cake and only leaving a tiny bit out.  It was AMAZING.  Moist, flavorful and you couldn't tell it was sugar free!

Friday, June 8, 2012

I promise.... I am still here!! :)

Hey Kids!

Long time, no see... I know!  I haven't had a computer for a bit.  Ours died completely and I can't blog on my phone!

So much has been going on since we last chatted!  First and foremost... I am officially down 80 pounds!!!!  WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!  Go me!!!!  :)  I am in full training mode for my 5K.  Sparkly skirt and all!  I have been really working hard for this!  I WILL DO IT!!! :)

Something else... I am now getting B12 shots.  My recent bloodwork said I was a bit low and so my doc prescribed the shots for me!  I actually had to research B12 because I had no idea what it was or why I needed it!  I found out some good stuff.  I know... Big Dork over here! :)  Hey, If I have to put something in my body and I don't know what it is... I am SOO going to research it!  Wouldn't you?!?!?

I have been reading some interesting books lately... about clutter in both your body and your house!  I know I've said this before, but I am clearing it all out!  My house has been clean and I mean CLEAN for almost 2 weeks.  It makes life easier, for sure.  I can come down in the morning and see that I have a shiny and clean sink and it makes me smile.  That starts my day off right.  I am creating routines for myself.  Ones that I can work with and continue.  Something has been occuring to me lately... I AM NOT PERFECT!  Shocker, I know... I know, I have burst some people's bubbles!  I can't help it! LOL!  However, I am not perfect.  In realizing this, I can let go of some of my perfectionisims.  It is freeing.  EXTREMELY! 

I have also learned about the HALT principle.  I am trying to implement it into my life.  HALT stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.  I am trying to asses myself now based on these things.. am I truly hungry, or am I Angry, Lonley, or Tired?  If I am truly hungry, I will eat.  If I am anything else, I will distract myself untill I don't want to reach for food.  I am learning to be good to myself.  I AM WORTH IT!  I am.  It has taken me a long time to figure this all out.  Now, that I have, I am never going back!!!!

OK!!!!  That was Heavy, Deep and Real.  We had a lot to catch up on! 

BE KIND to yourself!  Be Kind to others!