Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Identity crisis?

I think I might be having an identity crisis.  I don't know who I am anymore, so to speak.  I find myself looking at fitness blogs and running blogs.  I find myself looking for cute running /workout clothes.  I find myself researching good shoes for running/working out.  WHO THE HECK AM I?!?!?!?!

I guess it it because the focus of my life is changing, all my habits are changing.  It is a little disconcerting, though.  I don't know this new me, YET!  I spent 31 years getting to know and love the "fat" me.

Well, I'll just have to get to know this new me.  I am still the same person, I think, just a healthy version.  I like what I know so far.


  1. your amazing honey. Im glad so glad to have met you. you have been and will always be my scentsy godess and you are an inspiration to me. I love women who take intitionative to run thier own business and to take charge of thier life the way that you have. You didnt like how you were so you changed it. thats so inspirational to me and others. Your openess about it helps too. You are real, not someone who talks it up but never steps it up. Im very proud of you and glad that you consider me your friend.

  2. Go you! I would like to humbly suggest Les Mill's Pump, it starts slow with small workouts of 15-20 minutes plus walking. And they ship to APO :) I'm almost 4 weeks in and I must say I like these result much better then any cardio workout I've done.

    Love you lady!

  3. Meredith!!! Thank you! I'll have to try it! I am game for ANYTHING at this point! :) :)
