Monday, June 27, 2011


I was watching a tv show today that is designed to be tear jerker.  It was all about soldiers returning from a deployment and surprising their families!  Yeah, TOTAL tear jearker! This tear jearking show got me thinking about when my Hubbs came home.  So many emotions all at once.  I don't think I can describe it.  He is my heart and soul.  My best friend, my lover, my other half.  Sometimes my better half!  I opened the door and there he was.  After so long, you don't know if it is real.  Then you are holding him and screaming and crying... happy tears.
It brings to mind the other side of things as well.  What if, one morning, I awoke to a knock on the door.  Two men in uniform, standing stoically at my door.  What would I do?  Would I scream and cry, not happy tears?  Would I call them liars?  Who would I call to come help me figure things out?  I can't answer ANY of those questions, thank God!

I love my husband more than he knows.  He is my everything!  I am so glad he IS home and that I do get to see him daily!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Revamping and making some changes!!!

Hello Kiddos!

I know.. I have been MIA for what seems like FOREVER!!!!  Here's the deal... I get asked ALL the time about cooking.  I have decided that this is THE place to be!  I'll be posting my cooking tips, recipes and just about my life in general.  This won't just be a blog about my health, but about ME!

What do you say?  Yeah?  Well, C'mon then!!!!!!

PS:  I LOVE me some Chinese food, hence the pic!!!