Hubby and I were watching a show last night. "My Big, Fat weightloss story". The premiss of the show is of a family that needs to loose weight and they are going to do so as a family. In theory this is a good thing, right?!? In theory, communism is a good thing too!
I am not knocking these types of shows, well, not really. I wish they would show that they are educating the participants of these types of shows. They might be, but they aren't showing it. Yes, it is all stuff we may have heard before, but repetition never hurts! Also, I would love to see the medical professionals in some of these shows being portrayed as people caring about their patients. Telling someone that they are fat isn't helping them! Maybe they could work with the participants to come up with solutions that work for the individual. Simply telling them they are fat and need to loose weight does more damage than good.
I understand that producers are in a time crunch and need to figure out what sells, I do. I simply want to know what goes on behind all the cameras. Are they educating the participants about nutrition? Are they under the care of a doctor? And most importantly, are they giving them the tools they need to continue making the life changes that are necessary!?!?!?!?
A doctor told me "You are obese and need to stop eating so much" um helpful much? So I started counting calories, which made me gain MORE weight. Soon I was near starving myself causing a total system meltdown, go me right? Still working on not being obese, but now I at least accomplish something in between pregnancies!