Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not a size 5

Beefy, bigblimp, bovine, brawny, broadbulging, bulkybullburly, butter-ball, chunky, corpulentdistended, dumpy, elephantine, fleshy, gargantuangrossheavyheavyset, heftyhusky, inflated, jelly-belly, lard, largemeaty, obeseoversize, paunchy, plumpplumpish, ponder-ousporcine, portly, potbellied, pudgy, roly-poly, rotund, solidstoutswollenthickset, weighty, whale like, and my personal favorite... FAT!  

Yep, I have been called all of these and more.  You know what?!?!?  It is ok.  They can call me whatever they like.  I am all those things... AND I LOVE MYSELF!  It has taken me MANY years to be ok with who I am.  Yes, I am loosing weight.  This is for one reason only... I want to be healthy.  I will never be a size 5.  I am not built for it!  I will, however be the healthiest that I can.  

I am the belly of the ball, Baby!  


  1. How do I love this post? Let me count the ways...

  2. Kelli Ann...I totally love you and your attitude! You go gurl!

  3. What about Ruben-esque? That one at least says "beautiful" too. And you are BEAUTIFUL!
