Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Working out takes considerable motivation...  Health is the main motivation.  I believe that there are people out there that actually like it!  Yeah, I think those people are nutso, too!!!  Who knows?!? Maybe I will become one of those crazy people.  Doubtful, but it could happen!  What is your motivation to work out?

1 comment:

  1. Kelli, do you know who Jack Lalanne is? He's a bizillion years old & has been a health guru for decades. In a recent interview it was said to him, "You must really enjoy working out. What do you say to someone who doesn't like exercise?" His response was, "I don't know why you think I enjoy working out, I don't. I like the result." So I guess the motivation is the result that you must keep forfront in your mind. And remember, it takes time so be patient with yourself. Dad says he doesn't like to work out, but he does it in order to stay healthy because he wants to have as long a life with me as he can. AHHHHHHHHHH! Be strong; you can do it!
    Love you lots.
