Sunday, February 19, 2012

That's a spicy meatball!!!

I know all of you may be wondering why I bother to blog.  Let me tell you.  I am blogging so that I can remember.  I want to remember EVERYTHING!  This is life changing, ya know!!! :)  Good, bad, long or short!

Today, I ate a meatball.  It was all saucy and cheesy and soft.  AND OH SO YUMMO!!!!!!  You read that right... A meatball.  As in singular, one, not a plethora!  I have never just eaten one meatball before.  My plate looked a little lonely, however, I knew I couldn't eat more than one!

I am mourning the loss of my old comfort foods, how can you not?!?!?  It will get easier and easier over time to say "What comfort foods?!??!"  LOL


  1. i won't lie. you are always going to want a meatball. you gotta remember that a big part of this is changing your brain. that's the hardest thing for me.

  2. I'm making meatball and bbq casserole for dinner, it has a whopping 260 calories - huzzah! When you are no longer restricted to goo diet you should check out Bobby Dean, he has been giving all his mama's recipes (Paula Dean) a makeover, turning them into healthy meals. You're doing awesome lady...GO YOU!!!!

  3. Someday you will be able to eat two.
