Monday, February 28, 2011

Flinging and doing it right!!!

Hey Kids!  I know it has been awhile...

Here is what has been going on!  As you all know, I am decluttering my life, my body, and my house!  I am doing so well on all the fronts.  I am down another five ish pounds.  That makes a total of 20 all together.  I am eating well and actually loving it!  I cook an average of 6 nights a week and all six nights Hubby and I eat something healthy, but YUMMY and pretty!  I got a new set of dishes to highlight my cooking.  They are plain white and oh so simple.  LOVE THEM!  All other dishes are being used to bless someone else!  I have started decluttering my guest room (Now you can have somewhere to sleep if you come visit, and you SHOULD come visit).  In my living room, I actually have a desk that I can use as a desk, the closet is a coat closet again, and there are seats for people to sit on!  My kitchen isn't overflowing with needless stuff anymore.  I went through my pantry and pulled everything that I couldn't eat, still good, and donated it to the food bank!  My dining room still needs some work, but it is a process!!!!

That is what is going on here.  What about you all?  Anything new?

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Ready!!!!!

In the immortal words of Spongebob Squarepants.... "I'm Ready!"  Yes, I just quoted Spongebob Squarepants.  Well, I AM ready.  I am ready to change and ready to do what needs to be do to change.  Yes, I have been doing what my docs have asked me to, but I haven't really been willing.  I did so grudgingly.  I was angry and grumpy!  An angry and grumpy house frau is not good.  I have started to establish routines and it seems to be working for me.  I am not doing so much everyday that I get burned out!  I am doing what works for me and my family while still following orders...

Friday, February 4, 2011

No guilt.

Ok.. I have a secret to tell you...  Come closer.  Come on, I won't bite!  (Whispers) I still eat candy!

There I said it.  Let me explain before you all freak out and throw a hissy fit!  I don't eat it often and when I do, I only eat A piece.  As in single piece.  Not MANY pieces, but a single piece.  I have found that just one piece curbs my craving for something sweet.  I don't even feel guilty about that one piece, either.  I am doing well.  I am keeping on track as far as food goes.  When I crave something sweet, if I deny that craving, I am more likely to go on a binge eating EVERYTHING sweet that I can get my hands on.  And that, my friends, is a NO NO!!!

This is progress.  I am learning.  I am changing.  Now, if only chocolate cake came in a single bite size piece!!!! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I CAN change...

Last night, hubby and I went to our favorite pub for din din.  We love this pub for many reasons, but we especially love the food at this pub.  It is comforting and oh so yummy!  I ordered what I normally do.  Toad in the hole with chips (french fries) on the side.  Toad in the hole is a typical English dish.  It is a couple of sausages in a crust, flaky bread like thing.  I love this dish.  It is served with gravy and it is just DELICIOUS!!!

You are probablly thinking... "Kelli Ann, you were doing soooo well!!!"  Yes, I was.  I still am.  When my food arrived, I didn't pour extra gravy on and I only ate about a quarter of the entire plate.  I ate the sausages and only a bite of the Yorkshire pudding (flaky, bread thing).  I also had only a few chips.  I used what I know of portion sizes and stuck to it!!

I am extremely proud of myself.  I didn't eat until I felt sick.  I eat what I knew I could and had a great night out with the hubbs!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Keeping up...

This is a journey that I am on... This is a journey that I am on... This is a journey that I am on...

I have to remind myself of this.  THIS IS A JOURNEY, not a sprint.  This is going to take awhile.  I tend to get frustrated when I don't see results RIGHT NOW!  This is when my mantra comes in handy!  I have to choose every single day that I am going to continue on my journey to a healthier me.

Remember, Kelli Ann... JOURNEY!!!!!